
Well, I have recovered from my grinchness that I acquired the two weeks before christmas to have a lovely, wonderful christmas and days after. I managed to have the best christmas ever, receiving my dream gift of a digital camera that is so very cool(so if I don't post for a month, you'll know I switched my major to photography), a beautiful smelling and looking leather-bound journal handmade in Florence, and also finally being able to gain access to all of the stories that I wrote in the last few weeks of my time in Italy, including my writing portfolio, and basically, anything even remotely good that I've ever written. I haven't started the editing and lengthening process yet (yes, they may become books yet), but will soon, when I am back in Boston (currently in NY), and I will out them in my portfolio on (the url for my page is listed somewhere on this page, in I think my first or second blog). Wow, I think that could qualify for another long sentence piece, although the grammar is basically awful. Well, I probably won't check in until I'm back at my dear little laptop in Beantown, but then again, I may just check in later today, after seeing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Ciao!
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