An Ideal Space

At the advice of Nora, I am starting an intellectual (read: not a gossip column, per se) blog, hopefully about writing. Yes, I ripped my title off an Oscar Wilde play (An Ideal Husband).

18 December 2005

Thought(s) on Life

Something for everyone to mull over:

How many beautiful combinations of words are there in the universe that will never be heard by the ears of man? Are any sentences really new, just because they are a different combination of words from all the others? Are there any new sentences, new combinations of words, or have they all been used before? Do we need to create new words to say the same thing that we could say with old words but don’t want to because we want to be original? Can there be any completely new words to describe something that already exists?

And thus I begin...

I don't entirely know what to write as of yet, I'm hoping that this will be something of a creative outlet (god, I hate that phrase, its so cliche), and also that my spelling (or rather, typing) and grammar won't be too horrendous. Yeah, I have nothing creative or intellectual at the moment. To tell the truth (never a good thing), CitySports is draining my soul, and Nora is laughing at me as she is reading this (for keeping the CitySports line in, as I promised I would). So, the whole thoughts on life thing was something I did over the summer and it developed into questions on life rather than thoughts on life. Ironic, considering the trouble I had with an assignment to write about something you had always wondered about. I should have written about why I wondered about nothing. But then I guess I would have been wondering. Anyway, I apparently started wondering, and came up with some (hopefully) fairly interesting musings on life.

I leave all of you oh so fascinated blog readers with this:
W.H. Auden. Genius.


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